Glenelg Bowling Club receives data about its website visitors only when such information is provided voluntarily, such as when a visitor requests information or a quote, makes a purchase, or sends us an email.
When you provide personally identifiable information to us through our website, it will be used only to fulfil your specific request. We do reserve the right, at our discretion, to send you information about specials or services. We will not, however, sell or trade your personally identifiable information unless we are authorised or legally required to do so.
Glenelg Bowling Club takes all reasonable steps to ensure your information remains secure, and to prevent unauthorised access to your information. We use our best efforts to ensure that information received via this website remains secure within our systems, however users should be aware that there are inherent risks in transmitting information across the Internet. We are not responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to your personal information.
The Glenelg Bowling Club website does not use cookies to automatically gather information about you when you visit our website.
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