Social Bowls

Social Bowls

After Social Bowls

Social Bowls offers the opportunity for bowlers to bowl in a friendly atmosphere, where the enjoyment of bowling is more important than winning.

If you think you’d like to try bowling, this is a great place to start.  We have bowls you can borrow to use during the match and our regular social bowlers will be happy to get you started.  Remember to wear flat soled shoes.

The cost is $10.00 and prizes are awarded.

We play Social Bowls as follows:

Summer Social Bowls (during the Pennant Season)
Tuesdays Only: September through March
Arrival Time: 12:00pm
Start Time: 12:30pm
Winter Social Bowls (outside Pennant Season)
Tuesdays & Saturdays: From Saturday 27th April 2024
  Until start of Trial Matches (September)
Arrival Time: Tuesdays 12:00pm     Saturdays 12:30pm
Start Time: Tuesdays   2:30pm.    Saturdays 1:00pm

Come join us and have some fun.