Our Sponsors
Partnerships are one of the most important parts of amateur sports clubs. Partnerships between our club and the business community allow us to focus more on our respective games and on training. We thank our partners for their valuable contributions.
Please support our Partners whenever you are looking for goods and services. We use an application called “Get Chatty” to track purchases from our Partners. The easiest way to have your purchases entered into Get Chatty is to leave your receipts (with your name on them) in the Get Chatty Box under the Night Owls Notice Board. If you wish to enter your purchases yourself, click on this link “Get Chatty” to go to the Get Chatty website.
Let’s show our sponsors that we appreciate their support.
Congratulations to our Sponsor of the Week – Blooms the Chemist, Glenelg.
Click on their promotional ad below to open their Website or Facebook page.