Get Chatty

Partnerships are one of the most important parts of amateur sports clubs.  Partnerships between our club and the business community allows us to focus more on our respective games and on training.  We thank our partners for their valuable contributions. Please support our partners whenever you are looking for goods and/or services.

“Get Chatty” is an application where you can enter yours, your family and friends purchases from our Partners into a database so that we can keep track of this information. We can then use this information to show to our Partners how much they are appreciated by our Members, and how much their partnership with the Glenelg Bowling Club has provided to them.

The easiest way for your purchases from our Partners to be entered into Get Chatty is to place your receipt (or a copy of your receipt) into the wooden box under the Pennants Noticeboard. Be sure to write your name on the receipt. If you have lost your receipt, write down on a piece of paper:

  1. Your Name,
  2. Our Partner’s name where you made the purchase,
  3. The date of the purchase,
  4. The amount of the purchase,
  5. Then place the piece of paper into the wooden box.

If you wish to enter your purchases onto “Get Chatty” ourself, click on the link below.

Step 1:  Shop or obtain a service from a GBC Partner (list below).  Keep receipt if possible.  You could also take a ‘selfie’ of you at the shop, or on the Hawaiian cruise you purchased through PHT!!! 

Step 2: Take a photo of your receipt.

Step 2:  Click on this link.  Please save this link to your bookmarks/favourites then you can return to it easily.

Step 3:  Select the partner who you have been to.  Scroll down and enter in the amount spent, your name and email address.

Step 4:  Upload the photo.  This isn’t all that hard – several club members can help you with this.  Another way is to save your receipts and when you’re next at the club pop them in the wooden box.

Step 5:  Click “I am not a robot” and then click Submit and you’re done. I don’t know what to do if you are actually a robot.

A monthly draw for those that contribute will be held at the new “Five Dollar Fridays” at the club – however the winner must be present to collect.